Friday, November 8, 2013

on a hiatus

on a hiatus - yep. As much fun as the haiku reviews have been, everyday life also figures in. I set a 10 reviews/month quota on myself and have missed it twice in four months. One could say I'm slacking. Or reality could say I'm finally busy enough in my important life to not be able to churn forth haiku reviews at the same frequency as the past.

I'll still review and will still post to the blog, but I'll admit it'll be far less regular. I could blame it on the impending move, the new house, the increased job responsibilities, or the fatigue ensued from 3 years running... it's due to the combo of all of those excuses.

The ideal/plan is that I'm back, refreshed and settled into my own home come January. The reviews will restart then. Meanwhile, browse back through the hundreds of previous entries - odds are you'll find something of interest or ridicule.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks man! I've really enjoyed reading these! I'll be in touch soon.

    Smokey E.
